
Subscriptions & Cap For The 2024/2025 Season.

Full Payment must be paid by 1st June for FULL membership. Payments after this date enable you to become a Subscriber but you have no voting rights.

If you pay by Monthly Standing Order, you are committing to pay for a full year (12 payments), and in order to qualify for FULL membership you must not be in arrears with any payments as at 1st June in that Subscription Year, and you must either have been a Member for the immediately preceding Subscription Year, or have paid the Annual Subscription by instalments for a continuous period of at least 12 months prior to 1st June in the Subscription Year in question.

Members/Subscribers Rates


The easiest way to book on to meets is by visiting our bookings site: it’s quick and easy and you can pay by card. 

BACS Payments: The Hamilton Bloodhounds, TSB A/C No. 00126410 Sort Code: 30-93-22 Please use your Surname for the Reference.

Alternatively: Please make cheques payable to The Hamilton Bloodhounds, and send with a completed Membership form, and completed GDPR and Disclaimer forms to:

Claire Read (Hon Secretary) 
Church Farm, Chillesford, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 3PS

The Hamilton Bloodhounds comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. By becoming a Member/Subscriber you are in agreement with the Hamilton Bloodhounds holding your data in accordance to the GDPR and thus enabling the Hamilton Bloodhounds to provide you with ongoing correspondence.